
Technical Service
The Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) has designated KRIWAN Testzentrum as a “Technical Service” for the Electrical/Electronics sector. The KBA confirms that KRIWAN Testzentrum meets the requirements of DIN EN ISO / IEC 17020:2012 and DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025:2018 and has the relevant technical and approval-related knowledge and skills. As a Technical Service, we are authorized to carry out the required EMC tests for a type approval procedure and to submit the documents to the KBA.
The issuing of type approval is therefore the responsibility of the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (Federal Authority).
Your contact person: Stefan Schäfter

Product Certification Body
For your EC declaration of conformity for construction products, you will receive the necessary reports and certificates from our Notified Product Certification Body. Information on notification can be found on the EU homepage via Nando, the New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations Information System.

Recognized Body
KRIWAN Testzentrum is a recognized Certification- and Inspection Body according to state building regulation (Landesbauordnung, BWU 33) for Building Products according to general building law approval.

For the DIBt approval of your construction products, we create the necessary test plans and support you in the coordination with the DIBt on test-technical questions.
Subsequently, we carry out the tests according to the DIBt test plan for you and issue you the corresponding Certificates of Conformity according to the DIBt approvals.
The monitoring of the construction product according to DIBt approval is also carried out by us.

We prepare Certificates for individual approvals (ZiE) and acceptance tests for project-related individual approvals. As well as for insurance claims and legal proceedings. Due to our experience as a Certification Body and with national approvals for Building Products in the field of fire detection, our Certificates are accepted by authorities and the judiciary.


Andreas Ohr

Certification Body

+49 7947 9150-0